Kaupandi getur innt greiðslu af hendi með kreditkorti eða debetkorti. Kortafærslur fara í gegnum örugga greiðslusíðu Borgunar.
Afhending vöru
Allar pantanir á höfuðborgarsvæðinu eru settar í póst innan 24 tíma frá pöntun.
Pantanir eru sendar með Íslandspósti og gilda afhendingar-, ábyrgðar og flutningsskilmálar Íslandspósts um afhendingu vörunnar. Athugið að innanlandspóstur getur tekið allt að 2-4 daga að berast.
Sendingarkostnaður er frír ef verð pöntunar er yfir 10 þúsund krónum. Fyrir ódýrari sendingar er rukkaður sendingarkostnaður.
Viðskiptavinir ber sjálfur ábyrgð á að gefa upp rétt póstfang eða að vera með rétt merkta póstkassa eða póstlúgur. Ef vara er ekki til á lager munum við hafa samband og tilkynna um áætlaðan afhendingartíma eða endurgreiða vöruna.
Kaupandi hefur 14 daga frá móttöku vöru til að hætta við kaupin að því tilskildu að hann hafi ekki notað vöruna, henni sé skilað í óuppteknum, söluhæfum og upprunalegum umbúðum. Ef vara er innsigluð má ekki rjúfa innsiglið. Kvittun fyrir vörukaupum þarf að fylgja. Að ofangreindum skilyrðum uppfylltum og eftir að varan er móttekin, er gengið frá endurgreiðslu. Sendingarkostnaður er ekki endurgreiddur og kaupandi greiðir sendingargjald þegar vöru er skilað. Ef pakki er ekki sóttur á pósthús áksilur seljandi sér rétt til að halda eftir kostnaði við sendingar.
Ákvæði og skilmála þessa ber að túlka í samræmi við íslensk lög. Komi upp ágreiningur eða telji einhver að hann eigi kröfu á hendur Primex á grundvelli ákvæða og skilmála, verður slíkum ágreiningi eða kröfu vísað til meðferðar hjá íslenskum dómstólum.
Öll vöruverð eru birt með fyrirvara um prentvillur og áskilum við okkur rétt til að hætta við viðskipti hafi rangt verð verið gefið upp.
Vinsamlega athugið að vöruverð getur breyst án fyrirvara. Öll verð eru gefin upp með virðisaukaskatt.
Seljandi heitir kaupanda fullum trúnaði um allar þær upplýsingar sem kaupandi gefur upp í tengslum við viðskiptin. Upplýsingar verða ekki afhentar þriðja aðila undir neinum kringumstæðum.
Need help?
Frequently Asked Questions
Signing up is easy! Simply create an account on our website and enter your name, email, and password. It’s free to join and you will automatically be signed up to receive emails with insider access to sales, promotions, and all of our newest drops.
If you currently have an account or email subscription with us - you’ve already been enrolled in our rewards program so you can kick back, sign in, and start earning Points!
Our rewards program is a tiered program that allows members to earn more perks the more they engage with us. Members receive points for each purchase or engagements, which can then be redeemed towards rewards or the cost of future purchases.
Imagine earning points every time you purchase your favourite ChitoCare beauty products, and then redeeming those points for incredible rewards like free products, exclusive discounts, luxurious spa experiences, and even early access to new products.
It’s our way of making sure that every time you shop, share, and connect with us, you’re getting more than just beautiful skin—you’re getting pampered too!
You can view the full list of perks per Tier in our infographic above.
Absolutely not! Sign-up is 100% free, and it will never cost you anything to earn points.
We took care of that for you! All customers with an active account were automatically enrolled in our rewards program. If you have had more than one customer account with us, please note that only one rewards account was created per person.
The rewards page is your roadmap to all your points and perks. You can access all your info by visiting our rewards page at X
You will only receive points for purchases made after creating your rewards account. Make sure to create an account before placing an order so you can receive points!
Earning & Redeeming points
For starters, each new member will receive points just for joining our rewards programme. Below are the ways by which you can earn points.
- Shopping: For every euro you spend on ChitoCare Beauty products, you’ll earn points that bring you closer to amazing rewards.
- Sharing: Love our products? Share the love by tagging your friends on social media, and we’ll reward you with points!
- Following Us on Social Media: Stay connected by following us on Instagram or Facebook, and earn points just for being part of our online community.
- Referring a Friend: Spread the word about ChitoCare Beauty. When your friends join and make their first purchase, you’ll earn points as a thank you.
- Celebrating Your Birthday: We believe birthdays are special, so we’ll add a little extra joy to your day with bonus points.
- Anniversary as a VIP Customer: Your loyalty means the world to us. Each year you’re with our VIP program, we’ll celebrate by adding points to your account.
Your points can be redeemed for a variety of exciting rewards, including:
- Free Samples: Receive samples of ChitoCare beauty products, on the house.
- Free Products: Treat yourself to your favourite ChitoCare beauty items without spending a dime.
- Exclusive Discounts: Save big on future purchases with special discounts available only to our rewards members.
- Contests: Get access to members-only contests, for a chance to win special gifts.
- Experiential Rewards: Enjoy discounted or free pampering experiences, like facial treatments or spa visits.
- Early Access Opportunities: Be the first to experience our latest products before anyone else—our way of saying thanks for your loyalty.
- VIP Events: Be on the guest list for exclusive parties, exciting pop-ups and other VIP-only events.
Higher tiers in the VIP tier program earn more points at a quicker rate, but X euros always = X points.
Not at this time, you will not be able to earn or apply rewards points toward purchases in-store. We are working to link our stores with our online site in the future.
When your total points cross a tier threshold you will receive an email welcoming you into the new tier. If the tier that you have crossed into is either Tier 2 or Tier 3, this email will also include a unique coupon code for you to redeem your one-time rewards coupon. Keep in mind that coupons cannot be used in addition to the redemption of points.
On your birthday we will send you a special discount code via email valid for 30 days from the date of your b-day!
*Your birthday code is non-transferable and may not be sold or assigned to anyone else.
Nope! That’s the best part about being a rewards member! You will always have an opportunity to earn more points by shopping with us, engaging with our brand and community online, and through seasonal sales.
If you do not make a purchase, earn or redeem points for a period of 12 months, you will be considered a dormant user, and your points and rewards will return to zero. You will be moved down to Tier 1, the lowest tier.
Double-check you were signed into your rewards account and didn’t accidentally check out as a guest. You must be logged in when making purchases to earn points. If you have done this in error, contact us at to help apply your points to your account. You also won’t receive points if you return your purchase or your purchase is canceled for any reason. Please note that any points you earn on a purchase you later return will be deducted from your point balance.
Thank you so much for sharing us with your friends! We really appreciate it.
Referred friends must be first-time customers in order for both of you to receive the referral rewards. In addition, the referral must be initiated through our rewards referral box on your personal rewards page or through the use of your unique referral link also found there.
Points will be added to your account as soon as your friend completes their first purchase on our website.
When this happens you will receive an email letting you know that one of your referrals made a purchase using your code and that a reward was added to your account. You can also check your ‘Rewards History’ to see a list of any points that you have received for referrals.
Can't find the answer to your question? Email us via the form below.